White Blazer: Vintage, similar here | Pleated Midi Skirt: Mango (old), similar here | Buckle Belt: Vintage, similar here | Patent Loafers: Purchased in Italy, similar here | Bag: Another Italy purchase, similar here | Sunglasses: Le Specs (50% off!)

Let’s face it, we all need some inspiration from time to time. I’m constantly adding new pieces to my closet and still find myself drawing blanks every so often (#realtalk: weekly). That joyous “what the f*ck do I wear” feeling hits you when you least expect it.
However, remember that the most fashionable folk are getting inspiration from SOMEWHERE…so don’t feel down in the dumps about it. It’s time get resourceful, and find out what inspires you and/or lights a fire under your ass to get out of your comfort zone.
That’s right – I just hit you with a cheesy ass quote to prepare you to get INSPIRED. YOU READY?!! LET’S UP OUR GAME PEOPLE! I’m about the share with you my sources of inspiration…not to say that they will affect you the same way but at least it’ll get the juices flowing! Where do you go for fashion inspiration? Drop me a comment and let me know!

good ol’ IG.
Yes yes, you OBVIOUSLY knew about this one, but I want to share more as to what my behind the scenes IG activity looks like. For one, there is a LOT of saving happening. In fact, I’ve created folders to categorize all the inspiration. I’ve got a folder dedicated for makeup, nails, photography, hair, and OUTFITS.
Secondly, there are a handful accounts I stalk on a regular basis because I’m obsessed with these women and everything they do. See below.
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View this post on Instagram
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View this post on Instagram
View this post on Instagram

the TUBE (and no, I’m not talking TV).
YOUTUBE!! Now that I’m a pseudo YouTube creator (please subscribe because god knows I need support over there LOL), I’ve found myself caught in the YouTube vortex more than I’d like to admit.
I can watch people thrifting for 30 minutes without blinking. It’s actually, like, a medical concern. I already sleep with my eyes semi open (which is freaky AF – sorry Leo and all the friends I’ve startled over the years), so my eyes legit cannot handle any more dryness. BUT, the potential long term eye damage I endure will be offset by all the inspiration I get from this platform. Check out these channels and you’ll catch my drift.
Same lovely lady I mentioned above – I follow her on ALL platforms basically. If you’re a sucker for vintage / thrifted fashion, she is the QUEEN. You may even see a familiar face in one of her videos 😉
I can’t decide if I watch Ashley for pure entertainment or to get inspired from a fashion perspective…I think both?! I love how goofy & authentic she is, and she has great style to top it off. She is like 235235 years younger than me, so I can’t quite pull off ALL of her looks, but I get ideas here and there.
Ahhh yes, more thrifted goodness. These ladies are super chic and I appreciate their take on styling old & new pieces together.

the most fashionable corners of the interweb.
Despite all the other sources of inspiration out there, I still find myself hitting up my favorite online fashion publications at least weekly for the latest. I appreciate their shoppable roundups, trend updates and celeb spottings. In some instances, I purely enjoy the writing and the humor. Below are the sites I hit up on the reg…
Shocker, I know. But, it’s so good! I love their recaps on big fashion events, their trend round ups and also that their posts are short & sweet – easy to digest on my commute to work or over a salad (which unfortunately is what I’m eating daily for lunch now since I’m getting prepped for our big summer trip!).
Now this one I follow for the FASHUN and the writing (even though it makes me want to crawl back in my turtle shell and never post a sentence ever again). These writers are legit talented, and it’s awesome to see true writing talent collide with fashion content. I really enjoy their lifestyle posts as well! PS – If you don’t already, follow Leandra, the founder. She has the funkiest, most eccentric style and her Insta stories will make you laugh.
Talk about short & sweet! Some of the posts here are just an image with a few sentences, but really, when it’s well curated content, THAT’S ALL YOU NEED. I also love the old school collages, I feel like no one does them anymore and it makes me happy inside.