I am in really good spirits at the moment, for two reasons. For one, I’m currently in a bikini lounging by the pool & soaking in some rays. Flew in to San Diego last night – I’ll be in Cali for the next week! Follow me on Instagram to keep up with my whereabouts – expect to see a ton of beach, taco, margarita & outfit pics in the near future. Also, I was nominated for the Liebster Award by Kim from TheThirtySomethingLife – thank you so much!
Here’s how it works:
Link back and thank the person who nominated you.
List 11 facts about yourself.
Answer the 11 questions given to you by the person who nominated you.
Nominate 11 blogs/bloggers who have 200 followers or less and give them 11 questions of your choice.
Notify your nominees and give them a link back to your post!
11 Facts
- I rarely get fast food, and I’ve never had White Castle – apparently I’m not missing much
- Recently, I’ve become a tea addict
- I’m a neat freak
- I’m an extremely productive person, love being on the go ALWAYS
- I am a workout enthusiast – haven’t talked about it on the blog much, but going to the gym is my therapy
- My mom is my best friend – super cheese, I know, but it’s the truth
- I’m a leftie
- I HATE mayo
- If mezcal is on the cocktail menu, I’m getting it
- I tend to be loud, especially when alcohol is involved
- I’m a dessert fiend
Now for the questions – not going to lie, some of these were tough!
1. Do you keep a diary/journal?
I do not – I used to as a kid but never got in the habit of writing regularly. I should actually try to find my childhood diary, I bet I’ll get a good laugh out of it.
2. What are you grateful for?
I’m grateful for a lot of things, but I would say my top 3 are family, friends & health.
3. What’s something you find challenging?
Now that I’m an adult (ugh, the worst), it’s tough to manage work and also set aside time for friends, family, significant others and also for myself. I know this is a common struggle, but it has taken me a couple of years to get better at this and it’s still a work in progress!
4. Do you consider yourself brave?
Hmmm…very deep question. It’s all relative right?If I ever start a spiritual blog one day, I’ll address this question there 🙂
5. What would you buy if you won the lottery?
I would drop everything and start traveling the world…IMMEDIATELY (well, depending on how much I won, we’re talking millions right?).
6. Are you an organized person?
Yes, very much so.
7. Who inspires you?
I don’t necessarily have one person that inspires me. I am inspired by people that are willing to take risks, push themselves outside of their comfort zone, and also those who have an overall good balance in life.
8. What motivates you?
I’m motivated by becoming a better version of myself. I try to make sure that I’m constantly learning & evolving to be the best I can be.
9. How did you come up with your blog name?
Well, for one thing, I thought it was cute. No one (or creature, for that matter) can say that they don’t like cuddling. Cuddling is associated with comfort & happiness. A pill is something you take everyday. Cuddlepill = a daily dose of happiness.
10. What’s one hobby you have?
I really enjoy baking.
11. If you were an emoticon, which one would you be?
I would be this guy, because sunshine = happiness:
Here are my nominations:
FaithCocoSoCharmed | Grace’s Wardrobe |Vita & Moda | That Little Pale Girl | Bows and Clothes | Girl with the Golden Touch | My Life Charlotte | Le metamorphose| Wandering Welshie | Otterly Me | Oh that’s Bethany
My questions:
1. Why did you start a blog?
2. What are you passionate about?
3. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
4. What’s your favorite food?
5. If you had to move somewhere new, where would you move?
6. What are you reading right now?
7 . How did you come up with your blog name?
8. What’s the best concert you’ve been to?
9. If you had to learn a new language, which one would you pick?
10. What’s your dream job?
11. What trend are you loving right now?