I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of October. Where has this season gone? Luckily, for us Chicagoans, the weather has been in our favor the last few weeks. I know we have colder days awaiting us, but I see the change of seasons as an opportunity to start fresh. There is always room to grow, both personally & professionally, and I like to think as each season passes we become a little wiser. Here are some thought starters to help you become wiser and more mindful this Monday:

  1. Use mindfulness to become more aware of what you’re eating, and make healthy eating a habit (mindful.org).
  2. Maintaining a good work/life balance can be tough – when you’re overworked, you’re not functioning at your full potential, and it can lead to burnout. Check out these 5 simple ways you can improve your work/life balance now (lifehack.org).
  3. Everyone hopes to live a happy, fulfilled life, but what does it actually mean to be happy? These 5 common mistakes we make when trying to achieve happiness may change your perspective (qz.com).
  4. I’ll admit I have trouble meditating (along with 99% of people), but it’s actually possible to meditate at work…and it doesn’t require all that much effort (huffingtonpost.com).
  5. What a shocker – an improvisational mindset can lead to more creativity and discovery. Don’t be afraid to break up your daily routine, take risks, get uncomfortable. It may be scary at first, but it can lead to some amazing things (lifehacker.com).

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