I came to the realization that most of my Weekly Roundup links were related to mindfulness or self-improvement, so I’ve decided to replace Weekly Roundup with a new series – Monday Mindfulness. We live in a very distracted world, and sometimes we neglect the present and forget about living in the moment. I’ve found that I sometimes need a little reminder to put things into perspective, and I’m hoping that this series can be that reminder for me and all of you as well.

  1. 9 easy ways to create good vibes in your home – did you know Himalyan salt lamps release negative ions in your home, creating positive energy? (mindbodygreen.com).
  2. 5 tips to help you stop mourning the morning – Sunlight is more important than you would think (mindful.org).
  3. There are times in life when we don’t have control, learn to flourish in those moments (tinybuddha.com).
  4. 12 secrets to simplifying your life (marcandangel.com).
  5. Simple mindsets that can make you calm and happy everyday (lifehack.org).

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