I know, I know, it’s not Monday…but since most of us had the day off yesterday, it kind of counts as a Monday, right? Regardless, I could use some mindfulness tips any day of the week. I spent the weekend taking care of things around the house (including taking down the Xmas tree – which was long overdue). Despite having to take care of the usual chores & errands, we squeezed in some much needed time with friends this weekend. It was such a relief to not talk about all the stressors in our lives and just unwind (Scofflaw on Saturday night was exactly the ambiance we needed).

I started the new year off with a handful of challenging resolutions, all of which I’m slowly trying to work through. I will admit, I need all the motivation I can get. Please tell me I’m not the only one on the struggle bus! Below are a few posts around the web that have kept me motivated & inspired me on the rough, bitterly cold, days (is the feature photo making more sense now? Warm weather, please come back).

  1. Take one of these 31 motivating mantras for January & print it out, frame it on your desk, make it your phone background. Do what you gotta do to keep it top of mind. It can be a nice little pick me up on a bad day (byrdie.com)
  2. I’m OCD when it comes to cleaning, as I tend to get anxious when my house is cluttered. I love the organization tips provided in this post – particularly the one about blocking off time on calendar to tackle different tasks around the house (mindbodygreen.com).
  3. Maybe I need to take a Hawaii vacation? Or move there? (barefootblonde.com)
  4. Life isn’t always fair, and it’s not meant to be. I don’t know why, but it felt so good to read this post. Bottom line is, sometimes you win, sometimes you fail, but the important thing is that you keep moving forward (lifehack.org).
  5. When I come home from the gym on a weeknight, I ravage the kitchen immediately. Hangry, impatient, still holding on to the stress from my day. Note to self – cooking can be mindful too, even if you’re making a 30 min meal (thekitchn.com).

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