Just like anything else, I feel like my hair routine is ever evolving. I made great strides from ages 15-20 in the hair area. I’ve talked about this before, but my hair used to be nice & crispy back in the day. Yep – LA Looks was in full rotation…and I went ALL OUT and got the EXTREME HOLD. PS – I just did a quick Google search on this stuff to see if it still exists, and it DOES. DEAD. It actually gets decent reviews…ha.
I’ve done a few posts on my hair – including my general tips on how to care for curls and how I style it – but I’ve made a few tweaks to my hair routine that I wanted to share with you guys!
I stopped combing, period.
That’s right, I NEVER comb my hair anymore (unless I’m getting it cut or colored!). I know this concept sounds insane, and I thought I would end up with unintentional dreadlocks as a result. However, I can say from my personal experience that this will not happen. Everything will be okay…and you won’t get hair balls. I swear.
Let me explain why I would do such a crazy thing. I used to comb my hair only when it was wet, when I got out of the shower. I never combed or brushed it dry – that’s an ABSOLUTE no no! Please don’t do this EVER if you have curly hair! Anyway, now I don’t even comb it wet. Why? Because I felt combing it impacted the shape and texture of my curls. If you think about it, when you put a comb through your hair, it’s pulling & separating the curls. I found that by skipping this step, my curls were a little more coiled and chunky (which is how I like them!).
I dry with a microfiber towel.
This one was a tip from my colorist, Gary. He explained to me that using a terrycloth towel & wrapping it (which is what I used to do, and have always done) is too harsh on curls. It separates & tangles the curls, and the fibers mess with the hair cuticle…resulting in a frizzy hot mess. Apparently, wrapping hair with a terrycloth towel also pulls at the hair around your face, resulting in broken strands and damage.
After my last color session, I went and bought a microfiber hair turban and have been using it religiously. I LOVE how my hair looks and feels after using this towel. My curls stay in tact, and the frizz has noticeably decreased! AMAZING. After getting out of the shower, I wrap up my hair in the turban immediately, and let it sit for 20-30 mins as I get prepped for bed (I’m a night showerer, so if you shower in the AM, you can keep your hair wrapped as you get ready!). As I unwrap it, I squeeze the bottom stands and lift up to make sure I’m getting any lingering water. I either air dry, or diffuse right afterwards, depending on my mood :).
I get cuts more often.
I used to get hair cuts MAYBE twice a year, max. I wear my hair curly daily, so I don’t NEEDto get it cut as much as the average person since my hair doesn’t really suffer from heat damage. However, my hair grows FAST (which, I suppose is a good thing?!), and that means that once it grows a few inches, my volume is out the window.
With curly hair, you need to make sure the cut is just right, and layers are a game changer. Once my layers are grown out, my hair gets flat (especially at the top, which I can’t STAND!). I lose the volume and the bounce, and I end up with more of a stretched out wave. It took me some time to figure out what exactly was happening, and after realizing I was wearing my hair up 90% of the time, I decided I should get it cut. Magically, the bounce and volume reappeared. BOOM. That was when I knew what I had to do…get cuts more often, and stick with a mid length for the best curl & volume. I’m going to hit three hair cuts this year, and I’ve been keeping my hair at a shorter length to maximize those curls. Leo isn’t too happy about the length, but that’s a story for another post. LOL.
For my curly haired ladies in Chicago – I go to Patrick at Edit Salon for cuts. He is incredible with curly hair! On the pricier side but totally worth it.