Our little house is FINALLY coming together. I don’t feel like I’m living in boxes anymore, so that’s progress…right?! We put up our art on the walls a few weeks back, along with installing bookshelves in the living room. Most of the furniture we ordered is in – I can’t wait to show you what the living room looks like once it’s all done! I need to get a few accessories to cozy it up a bit, and I’m waiting on my desk too. Exciting stuff!
One thing we knew we’d have to be creative with in our place was closet space. There isn’t a ton of it, and both Leo and I have way too much stuff – more than either of us would like to admit (he has more than I do, truth be told). We found that after much trail & error, there was no way both of us could fit all of our stuff in the bedroom closet. As much as I hated the idea, we had to put a dresser in our hallway, underneath the stairs.Annnnd…there it is. A dresser in our hallway. Not ideal, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Now the question was, how we make this look less like a dresser and more like hallway storage? You may have seen my post on Ikea hacks, where I featured a few stores that sold handles & legs to spice up Ikea furniture. I figured I could apply this concept across any piece of furniture, Ikea or not! I was able to find a store on Etsy that sold beautiful leather handles, LeatherEU.
The handles were so easy to install, all I needed was a screwdriver and patience (some arm strength required too – if you have a drill it makes the process easier!). I unscrewed the old handles and replaced them with these chic leather ones…and BOOM!
Doesn’t it look a tad better? I’m still trying to decide what to put on top of the dresser – in the meantime I’ve stacked a pile of Leo’s comic books (he has a million) and a cute vintage tin. On to the next home project!